Thursday, March 2, 2017

Ash Wednesday Art

Because I stayed at work late on Tuesday, I left for work slightly later yesterday.  I decided I would stop at JoAnn's to use a coupon.  I've been wanting to try some different markers.

Don't get me wrong.  I love the markers that I got in April.  In fact, I'm about to need to buy some more ink.

But the markers are very expensive.  The 12 markers above cost just under $70, and then I got 12 more.  While they are wonderful, and I've used them with abandon, I want to try some others that are less expensive, especially when one has a coupon.

Well, I hit the jackpot yesterday.  Several packages of the markers I'd had my eyes on were on sale, and on that same rack were some other packages at an even better sale.  I had one coupon to get another full price package for 40% off, and a coupon for $10 off the total, which could include both sale and regular items.

At the end of the work day, I headed over to Ash Wednesday service at my church.  I thought I'd use the markers then, but it was easier to use what I'd already been using.  During the service, when I wasn't doing a responsive reading or smudging ashes on foreheads, I created this sketch:

And I took some pictures.  I'm most pleased with this one:

Or perhaps this one:

Along with a variety of grading and tax tasks this week-end, I will spend some time exploring what these markers can do.  And if they're wonderful, I may stop at that sale rack again.

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