Monday, April 17, 2017

Images from Easter

When I think back to Easter of 2017, what will I remember most?  Perhaps it will be this picture:

My spouse, my dad, and my mom are the ones on the left of this picture.  I love that Mom and Dad come to visit, and they're willing to sing in the choir.

Afterwards, they stayed to help count the money, a different kind of spiritual gift, especially in this week where we had the offerings of several services throughout the week to count too.  It took longer than usual, which is a good thing, in terms of the church budget.  But it did make for a longer Easter Sunday.

Still, we had mimosas to look forward to on our return home, plus a wonderful steak lunch/dinner.  And then, a brief nap!

Or maybe it will be this picture that I remember:

Yes, an Easter puppet show for our more experiential worship service.  The guy on the left is playing the part of the empty tomb, a non-speaking part.  I think that next year it should be a speaking part.

Yesterday, as I was on alert for something new in the Easter story, I was struck by the folded grave clothes.  Imagine:  Jesus comes back from the dead and folds the grave clothes. 

How would our society be different if we had focused on this aspect of Jesus?

I was also on the lookout for a perspective that might make a good poem.  A few years ago, after hearing about Mary mistaking Christ for the gardener, I spent time thinking about the gardener and wound up with a poem that you can find in this blog post.

This week, perhaps I will write about the abandonment felt by the empty tomb.  But let me end this blog post with this one last picture, which signifies true Easter joy:

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