Monday, June 5, 2017

Summer of Sangria: Ginger Lime Sangria

I have been looking for ways to reduce my wine consumption.  A few weeks ago I read a raft of stories that talked about the rise in breast cancer risk with each alcoholic drink one consumes--drink more than 5-7 drinks a week, and your risk goes up to 40%.

While those stories leave me with many questions about what constitutes that risk and how the researchers could be sure it was alcohol and not some other factor, I decided it was time to think about cutting back.  Even though I should also be cutting calories, I decided to experiment with sangria, even though a glass of sangria wouldn't save me many calories.

Last week, I experimented, and it was delicious!  I begin each glass with equal parts sugar syrup, white wine, and club soda.  Then I continue to fill the glass with club soda once the glass is half full.  I've also been experimenting with frozen fruit in addition to ice cubes--it makes a beautiful glass.

Here's the recipe for the sugar syrup.  I mixed it with cheap Sauvignon Blanc from Trader Joe's.  In the future, I plan to experiment with different fruit juices--stay tuned!

Ginger Lime Sangria

4 C. water

½ C. – 1 C. sugar

Ginger slices (peeled)—to taste—I used 8 slices; I've also used powdered ginger.  It's not as fresh tasting, but it's good too.

Bring the above to a boil and let cool.

Add the juice of 4-8 limes (about ½ C.).  Chill.

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