Monday, October 16, 2017

Capturing Autumn

Whenever anyone posts autumnal pictures on Facebook, I linger--particularly if it's a picture of an apple orchard or a pumpkin patch or some shot with hay in it.  A picture that captures autumnal light makes my heart sing.

Down here on the tip of the continent, we haven't had much in the way of fall weather yet.  I try to prompt some autumnal feelings with seasonal flowers or lights or a batch of pumpkin bread, all on seasonal placemats, but it's still sweltering outside.

Yesterday, I spent much of the afternoon doing this:

I'm the person in the sky blue shirt by the truck, reaching for a pumpkin.  When we began, the front yard of the church looked like this:

By the end, it had been transformed into this:

The last step of the offload is scattering the hay in the truck onto the ground.  As I released the handfuls of hay, I was struck by the sun on the hay--it was beautiful and fleeting, an autumnal moment that I couldn't capture by camera even if I had tried.  But maybe next year I will try.

Along the way, I enjoyed the colors and shapes of the pumpkins, the wide variety, the different weights. 

I wouldn't want to spend every Sunday afternoon carrying pumpkins in this way, but yesterday, despite the heat, it was great.  Where else would I see this type of pumpkin?

My back hurt less than my feet--but luckily, we've finally gotten the pool back to a state where we can get into it--so a soak in the cold pool helped them both.  Plenty of ibuprofen helped too.

Today, it's back to work.  If I didn't have so much to do at work, I'd be tempted to take the day off.  I feel like I haven't had much of a week-end.  Or maybe I had just the kind of week-end for which I've been yearning.

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