Friday, November 17, 2017

Insurance and Losses

Last night was downright strange.  I got a phone call from a person representing our windstorm insurance who told me that we only had $4000 of damage, which doesn't meet the $6,000 deductible.  Since I have spent more than that already, and the repairs aren't done, we will be filing an appeal.

Part of me expected that decision from the insurance company.  As my spouse points out, they're a capitalistic business--it's not about protecting us, their clients, but making profits.  I am annoyed that I have real, documentable damage, and it's just dismissed.  I expected it, but it still breaks my heart. 

I'm trying not to read too much into any one thing--I am guilty of seeing random incidents as a sign from the universe that's telling me something.  And the message that I'm hearing is "GET OUT."  That may be my tiredness talking, not the universe talking.

We got a check from the flood insurance.  Because we have a mortgage, the mortgage company is a cosigner on the check.  Because of the amount of the check, the mortgage company will be much more involved in the repairs than I would like.  I understand why--but it feels unnecessarily complicated to me.

I’m trying to be grateful. We’ve gotten money to make repairs, some of which we would have to do in our planned renovations. But the voice in my head is irritable about all the repairs we have to do which should be covered, but might not be. I’m trying to be grateful. We have money in the bank. We have been told that our roof is in good shape. We have a cottage, so we can get the repairs done and not have to live in the middle of the mess. But my whiney self doesn’t want to live in the cottage.

My whiney self is very loud.

It's been a strange week overall:  a good week at work, but also a week where I got my arthritis diagnosis.  We get told that we won't get money from one insurance company, while another one is giving us money that comes with complications and obligations.  I've gotten good work done on revising short stories, and I've sent out submissions.  But there's always that feeling that I'm not writing enough new material.

This week-end, I will try to do some self care.  It's time to think about Thanksgiving and also time to decorate for Christmas.  I will likely make a pot roast.  I will do some reading and writing and grading.  I will take some walks and remember that my neighborhood is beautiful--and my house can be beautiful again.

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