Friday, December 8, 2017

Energy Ebbs and Flows

It is interesting to me to watch my patterns of energy.  On Wednesday, I felt ablaze, and I got a wide variety of tasks accomplished.  Yesterday, I crashed a bit.  I was still able to get through the day's agenda, but I didn't feel that same surging energy.

I hope my energy level is a bit higher today because we've got a big day on campus.  It's a holiday Meet and Greet Open House.  We'll have incoming students come in to meet people and get books ordered and paperwork completed--in short, it's a pre-Orientation opportunity that helps Orientation go more smoothly.  Beginning with this Meet and Greet, we're adding an Open House element--we're inviting everyone who has ever shown an interest in our school.

So, we could have 30 people come or 300--it makes it hard to plan from a food and beverage perspective.  I'm prepared to make a quick Publix run if we need more soda or bottled water.

Meanwhile on the home front, here, too, my energy has ebbed a bit.  I want to sort bookshelves and closets and kitchen supplies, but what to do with all the detritus?  I should see about various organizations who will come to my house, at least to pick up small stuff, like clothes.

I want to get rid of the dining room table and chairs--they're too heavy, too dark, with too many knobs where dust collects.  And did I mention how heavy they are?  And the surface of the table discolors if you glower at it.

Still, I know there's someone out there who might love it.  I wish I could figure out how to find that person.  After Christmas, I'll be more proactive about getting rid of furniture.

Now let me get ready for work--before I go to campus, I'm going to a Chamber of Commerce breakfast.

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