Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Happiness Nuggets

Let me make list of some things that have made me happy in the past week, items that might slip away if I don't list them:

--First and foremost, I had a great visit with my Mom and Dad, which was really two visits.  They stayed with us on either side of their cruise.  I'll remember most the wonderful meals and the wonderful conversations.  And I'm glad that they had a great cruise.

--I almost have the new laptop set up.  I was not punished for waiting so long--my Microsoft Office for personal use license didn't start when I bought the laptop back in August.

--We had a small accident on Saturday, and no one was hurt.  The car behind us bumped us when we were sitting at a green light waiting for traffic to move.  It was quite a bump and a crash noise, and I was surprised to see that our bumpers were mostly fine.  A teenage boy had been driving the car--the father who had been sitting beside him was livid about the kid being on the phone.  He said to the boy, "You're gonna get a job and you're gonna pay for that."  There were only some white smudges on the bumper--I was tempted to say, "Are you kidding?  We can hardly find time to take the car in for oil changes--we're not gonna find time to take white smudges off the bumper."
We chatted for a few minutes, with the dad still spluttering about the phone.  My spouse said, "You're the dad, right?  Take the phone away."  The dad said, "You are so losing your phone privileges."  Hopefully the kid has learned a lesson.  If he'd slammed into a different couple, they might have really taken advantage, claiming all sorts of medical conditions to get money, but we're not those people.  If it had been slightly worse, we'd have been waiting for police, and the kid would have gotten a police report, etc.
--Saturday evening we went over to have a backyard get together with our neighborhood friends.  We enjoyed wine and cheese and other nibbles--but what was best was the great conversation and a chance to catch up.
--I bought two volumes of poetry that I really look forward to reading:  Texts to the Holy by Rachel Barenblat (more here) and Luisa A. Igloria's The Buddha Wonders if She Is Having a Mid-life Crisis (more here).  I'm glad to support fellow poets and small publishers.
--I've been doing some slow and steady writing of my own, but I've really been enjoying my odd Lenten discipline of mingling seasons and taking pictures.  Here are some of my favorites from last night:

This one really seems to capture the mingling of life and death:

But I like the cheerful colors here:

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