Wednesday, March 28, 2018

One Big Hurricane Repair Completed

Last night, I wrote this Facebook post:

"Phase one of Hurricane Irma repairs complete. The cottage now has a working AC system! Without an AC system, it's a strange garage with a bathroom and a kitchen.

Now to see if the slight mold problem means we should tear out some drywall--we'll scrub down the walls, AGAIN, and see if the mold returns. Fingers crossed that because we have working AC, the mold problem is a ventilation problem, not a true mold problem. But taking out parts of drywall and replacing is something we can do.

There are more repairs ahead of us, but tonight, let me take joy in having one project done!"

We have gone from having one air conditioner that was hardly adequate to having a split system that is astonishingly efficient--and quiet!  We're still not sure what we will do with the cottage, but now we have lots of options.  And not fixing the cottage means our home value goes down.  It's good to have taken this major step.

Because of the flooding issues in our neighborhood, we have a slightly higher concrete pad for the outside part of the AC.  I looked at it and wished it could be even higher, while at the same time realizing that if the flood waters are that high, we'll have bigger problems than the cottage AC.

I have been working on getting the AC fixed since October.  At first I was looking for someone to repair the system.  Then it was getting a sense of our options.   And then it was a matter of contracts and permits and all the waiting that entails.

And suddenly, in the space of 2 days, we have a working system.  But of course, it's not sudden.  Like much of life, we move somewhat nebulously toward a goal, and finally, achieve it.

Let me take heart.  Let me not give up on the projects (poetry book with a spine!  publishing a book of connected short stories! finishing the repairs in the main house!  figuring out how climate change will impact our retirement years!  how to plan for that future!) that seem so far away from success/completion.

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