Sunday, April 1, 2018

After the Visit, the Sadness (and the Laundry)

I have been up early, which is not unusual for me. What is unusual: I took my sister and nephew to the airport very early. We left the house at 5, got to the airport at 5:20 or so, and wow! The airport was busy. That's why we left early--their flight leaves at 7, but we knew it was likely to be hectic.

Now I have sheets and towels in the washer. We've done most of the dishes. We have a fridge full of food and leftovers, so we won't have to think about meals for a few days.

It was a good visit in many ways, which makes me both happy and sad--because now it's over. We had time for conversations and meals on the front porch. We had time for relaxing by the pool. Because it was cloudy yesterday, and because I thought that at any moment it would start raining and we'd go in, I didn't apply sunscreen the way I should have. I am so sunburned! I don't remember when my legs and arms have been this sunburned recently. I was shivery all night long, that's how burnt I was.

My nephew was sick for part of the time, including Saturday, so we didn't do as much as we might have: no trips to waterparks or other attractions, not as many trips to the beach. But it was good to be together, even if we weren't all as well as we might have wished.

What did we do? We made our version of a unicorn frappucino; it tasted horrible, but it was fun to create together. We made many meals on the grill, but my favorite dinner was made inside with a frozen seafood blend from Trader Joe's with a basil cream sauce over linguine. Or was my favorite dinner the pizza we had at the organic brewery at the beach?

In short, we had a wonderful time.  Now I need to think about the fact that it's Easter.  Let me start moving towards that celebration.

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