Sunday, May 27, 2018


My Fitbit must be wondering about me.  Yesterday was a day when I crashed--not in a bad way, exactly, but I slept more than anything else.  I went from an average of 9,939 steps each day to just 1545 steps yesterday. 

Yesterday, I got up at my usual time, around 4 a.m.  I thought I felt O.K.ish--scratchy throat, more of a cough than I'd like, but I took some cold meds and drank some hot coffee and started to feel better.  I did some grading for my online class.  And then, at 6, I felt an overwhelming tiredness and went back to bed for several hours.

The rest of the day was like that:  up for a bit, sleeping for a bit.  I went to bed just before 8 p.m. last night and slept until 6.  I say I slept, but there were some periods of waking up with a hacking cough.  Ugh.

In a way, I'm not surprised.  It's not how I planned to spend part of my Memorial Day week-end, but I'd been running on fumes.

I'm still not back to my energetic self.  I'm more aware of my sinuses than I like being.  I'm sore from all the coughing.  I'm feeling dried out because of the cold meds.  My body is still telling me to take it easy.

I will obey.

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