Monday, May 21, 2018

Flooded Sunday

Yesterday, I was supposed to be the leader at church while our pastor travelled to the Festival of Homiletics.  At 6:30, I waded through calf-deep water to move the car to higher ground from the street.  I thought, hmm, I wonder if I'll be able to get to church to lead the 8:30 service. 

I ended up not being able to get to both the 8:30 and the 9:45 service, but I did make it, just barely, to the 11:00 service.  We had 8 inches of water fall yesterday, and even on a street that has pumps, we faced streets that looked like this:

Here's a picture with cars parked on the street--notice that the water is almost to the underside of the truck:

Happily the water didn't come up to the house, and it did recede completely by 3.  I was able to make it to the 11 am. service.

We had a quiet afternoon.  My spouse wanted to try cooking salmon in the fireplace, so we did that.  It was cozy, sitting by the fire on a gloomy afternoon.  We started watching an adaptation of Wuthering Heights on PBS while snoozing and eventually moved our napping to the bed.

My spouse slept through the night, but I woke up at 8:15 and decided to watch Little Women--what a treat--much better than the very strange Wuthering Heights, where I couldn't tell where we were in the story, which Catherine was which.  I liked this current Little Women production's view of the German professor.  I still haven't seen a version that explains to my satisfaction why Jo chooses the German professor over Laurie.

Little Women always makes me want to stay up and write, but I didn't.  I do feel marvelously well rested now, with my unusually long nap yesterday afternoon.  Today at work we'll set out the leftovers from Saturday's Open House, so it's good to be rested.  That work can feel a bit stressful, although as I was doing it on Saturday, one of the Admissions reps said, "You're really in your element, aren't you?"  Yes, feeding people--I love doing that in all sorts of ways.

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