Wednesday, May 9, 2018


Today I am tired--I stayed at work late last night, and I'm about to head out to spin class and then another full day of work.  But it could be worse--much worse.

This morning, as the coffee brewed, I heard oncologist Siddhartha Mukherjee interviewed on the BBC.  He pointed out that he has one patient per week die, and that work changes a person.  These are patients he's come to known in a deep way--and they die.  At least my job doesn't have that feature.

At this point, we're doing good work, and no one dismantles it.  I had that thought yesterday as I listened to Donald Trump while I went out to get the last supplies for last night's lecture series at school.  I wondered how President Obama was feeling as one of his signature achievements was abandoned.  I listened to Donald Trump, and then I listened to analysts deconstruct the speech, and it all made me very sad.

Much about U.S. politics makes me sad these days.  There will be much clean up to do when we emerge from this chapter of history.  Just the thought of it makes me tired--and sad.

We got a letter from our mortgage company inquiring about the state of our post-Irma repairs.  That, too, makes me feel sad and tired.  But I look at the pictures of lava from the erupting volcano in Hawaii, and I regain perspective.  How does one clean that up?

Maybe today I will go over to the school library to visit the display I helped create on Monday.  May is National Meditation Month, and I could use some reminders of how to quiet my mind:

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