Saturday, June 16, 2018

Cottage AC Update

The big drama of the week was the AC in the cottage.  If you've been reading this blog, you might say, "I thought you had that fixed."  So did I.  In fact, I wrote this blog post about the completion of the project.

On Sunday at church, I found out that lodging was still needed for the camp counselors who will be coming on June 24 to run our Vacation Bible School.  Months ago at a planning meeting, I had taken our cottage out of the running because I thought we might be living there as our flooring project in the main house progressed.  Much has changed since that planning meeting. 

On Sunday, I said that we'd have the cottage ready, although it would be rustic--by which I meant that the walls still needed repainting, and there would be no TV, and the flooring would be concrete.  We agreed that it would be fine.  The counselors had volunteered for camp, after all, not to be childcare workers at a luxury resort.

When we got home from church, we went to the cottage to strategize--and we found out that at some point during these damp weeks, the AC had stopped working, and mold had taken over almost every wall.  We thought that maybe we just didn't understand the remote controls to the system, so we reset settings.  I scrubbed mold off the walls with a bleach solution.  It came off easily and hasn't come back.

Over the next day, it was clear that the AC wasn't working at all, so I called the company, and they've spent the week isolating a leak, fixing it, and refilling the Freon.  I am surprised by how relieved I was last night to have a cool cottage.

It's so depressing to think a major problem is fixed, just to have to deal with it again.  I know--it's a part of home ownership, and I'm lucky to have a home.  But it's wearying.

Now it's time to take the cottage from scary rustic to cozy rustic.  I'm only a week behind--but it can be done!

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