Monday, June 4, 2018

Random Fragments from a Week with a Cold

Before last week gets lost, let me record a few impressions from the week:

--Spending a week coughing is a good way to develop some abs.

--Taking aspirin for the headaches caused by the coughing and taking ibuprofen for the sore back caused by the coughing--these help with the arthritic feet.

--My cold didn't seem like a major one, although it was noticeable to people.  It's taken me awhile to shake it.

--I'm glad that I didn't have to miss the 2018 Broward Teacher of the Year Awards.  It's good to remember how many people are out there quietly doing good work.

--A local high school choral ensemble performed.  My colleague and I were there early because she created centerpieces, and we had to set them up.  There was lots of down time, and some of the ensemble members worked on other pieces. 

--It is strange to hear a Bon Jovi song arranged for a choral group.

--Yesterday I heard Maria Shriver interviewed during an On Being episode on NPR.  I was struck by her final thoughts.  She talked about being on book tour and seeing people who had books in their hands.  Her first thought was that she was on the wrong stage, that those people were waiting for someone else.  She reflected on the idea that's she's 62 and spent so many years working on the political campaigns of others and that she only now feels like she has time and focus for her own work.  She encouraged those of us who are feeling like it's taking a long time to come into our own.

--Yesterday I spent the morning being in charge at church.  It went well.  As always, when preaching goes well, I wonder if God is trying to tell me something.

--As always, I tuck those thoughts away for a later day. 

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