Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The Great Flooring Project Begins

We expect the Great Flooring Project to start today.  We have moved everything out of the east part of the house, either to the cottage or to the west part of the house.  Our bed is where the dining room table used to be.  I am writing while my spouse is sleeping. 

I don't have a sense of the timeline of this project.  The next part is slightly more complicated because we're taking out our kitchen and doing a kitchen remodel.

The kitchen was supposed to be temporary.  We put it in so that the house would pass inspection/appraisal for sale, so we put in the bare minimum:  a cabinet and a long countertop for the sink and a tall pantry.  We had linoleum squares for the floor that we installed.  The former owner had a fridge and dishwasher.  It passed inspection and we got the appraisal needed, and we've been waiting for the right time to rip it out and do the remodel.

Now is that time.

Most of our whole house will have hardwood floors to match the floors that are in the living room and dining room.  The bathrooms and laundry room will keep the tile floors they have now.

These next few weeks will be an interesting experiment in minimalist living.  How little space do we really need?  It would be easier, perhaps, if my spouse and I kept the same sleeping schedule.  My writing here has made my spouse a bit restless.  I don't sleep well until he turns off the TV at night.

I'm not sure what happens with the next phase of the project, where we're down to 2 bedrooms separated by the part of the house that's under construction.  Will we do all of our living out of the master bedroom?

I will do my best to be patient.  It will be good to get this project finished.

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