Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Tropical Storm Gordon on Labor Day

We expected rain over Labor Day week-end.  We knew there might be a tropical storm.  But I wasn't expecting tropical storm warnings to be issued when the storm was actually over our heads.

When I went to bed on Sunday, we had warnings of nasty weather ahead--but the night seemed calm.  I got up at my usual early, early time--in fact, I thought about getting my walk in very early, but I also wanted to get some writing done.  I looked at the radar and looked at the skies. 

Finally, I decided to go for my walk, staying closer to home than usual so that I could get back quickly if the weather deteriorated.  I watched the swirl of the clouds.  I kept going.

I have a new September goal:  to walk 10,000 steps every day in Sept.  So I kept going.  I came across this interesting, white picket fence, with pieces of art work hung on it.

I got home just before a ferocious rain band hit.  I decided that I should update my course shell for the online class that starts on Wed.--that way, if we lost power, I'd be ahead.  I got it all done.

Between rain bands, I went to the grocery store.  On the way back, I took pictures of the fence with the art.

All in all, it was a lazy sort of Labor Day--but not particularly restful with a strengthening tropical storm in the neighborhood.

I'll have to keep an eye on this fence.  Is more art work coming soon?

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