Sunday, October 7, 2018

Autumn Ramblings

I have returned home from a quick trip to the grocery store.  My front porch is now festooned for autumn, although I won't have real pumpkins until our church gets them next week-end. 

It makes me inordinately happy.

Yesterday, we went on a quest for barn doors--not because we have a barn, but because they will be perfect for the door between the kitchen and the laundry room. We went to Flagler Village, a cool space in Ft. Lauderdale that's being reclaimed from derelict housing to cool coffee places and outdoor gardens and breweries and such. My first thought: let's move here!

What is wrong with me? We already live in a cool place with a village-like vibe. We don't need to move.

And then I watched This Old House, a repeat of the first episode of the season when they will restore old houses in Charleston, SC, where we lived for 5 years before we moved here in 1998. And I felt this longing and homesickness for a place I left long ago (and could have bought one of those houses they're restoring for about $20,000 in 1992, if I had had the money).

Similarly, we had planned to go out for dinner after the pet blessing service at church, but the place we wanted to try was already booked.  I felt a bit sad, but also relieved that we could come home and relax and eat the cheese we bought in the morning.

We went to the pet blessing service, which did, indeed, restore my equilibrium. 

I wrote a whole post about it on my theology blog.

And in the end, I'm glad we didn't eat out because we finally took the serious time it takes to plan the kitchen--which cabinet goes where.  If you haven't remodeled a kitchen lately, you'll likely be amazed at how many types of cabinets you can get--and not just in terms of finishes and styles.  Cabinets can now be fine tuned in terms of their purpose too.

We are torn about the color of the wood finish--so we ordered some samples.  We have plenty of time, in a way.

We finished the day by eating some cheese and crackers and having some wine.  It was a day with a strange assortment of happenings, but in the end, satisfying.

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