Wednesday, October 17, 2018


Last night, I did some packing for my Lutheridge retreat this week-end.  I moved some clothes out of the cottage closet where they've been since July.  I thought about the clothes that aren't in the closet yet, a few items I put in a big suitcase back in July because they are more wintry, but I decided to leave them in the big suitcase in the cottage.

All along, I've said that I hoped we could get the home repairs done by Halloween, but I'll be happy if they're done by Christmas.  People reacted as if I was joking.  I was partly joking, but partly serious.

The home repairs will not be done by Halloween.  But we are chugging along, so that's good.

I pour my coffee at the coffee station that I've set up in the bathroom.  Once, I'd have needed a microwave to heat the milk.  Now the microwave is in the bedroom, where it's been since late August.  I haven't had a special coffee beverage at home since then.  Once I bought a gallon of milk a week.  Now I haven't bought milk in weeks.  I used to drink hundreds of calories before leaving the house.  Now I drink my coffee black.  I wonder if I'll continue to do this once we have the new kitchen.

I know that some people are switching out their closets.  I'll do that too, when I return.  We will need the big suitcase for Thanksgiving.  And who knows--maybe we'll finally get a cold front by then.  In the past, we sometimes get a cold front by mid October, but not this year.  The heat is beginning to wear me down.

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