Monday, November 5, 2018

All Saints Sunday: Unbind Us!

Yesterday, I heard the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead several times.  I designed an interactive arts activity for our middle worship service that I describe in this blog post.  I also took pictures.  This one is technically a mistake, taken with the lens fogged up from the difference in temperature from inside to outside, but I like the ghostliness of it--appropriate for All Saints!

As I heard the story again and again, the lines that leapt out for me were the last ones, where Jesus orders Lazarus unbound.  And so I made this image during our later service:

I was also playing with the markers that we'll be using in the online journaling class that I'm taking.  They're colors that I might not have chosen on my own.  I used words from all of the lessons of the day:

First Reading: Isaiah 25:6-9

Second Reading: Revelation 21:1-6a

Gospel: John 11:32-44

And then I came home and did some additional work with the markers and journaling--more on that as the journaling course continues.

It was a good week-end in terms of creativity.  In addition to the fun with markers, I wrote several poems.  I read this poem about Rapunzel's stroke and immediately started thinking about Penelope's arthritis in her hands.  It won't write that poem this morning, since I need to leave to make the bread run for school.  But it will be soon!

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