Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Read Poems to Prepare for Thanksgiving

I have not always been a person who travels with her laptop.  I often traveled to get away from my laptop and all the demands of the regular world that a laptop symbolizes.  But as I've traveled with a laptop, I've realized that there are some benefits.

One is that I can announce poetry publications.  And my latest one is in TAB: The Journal of Poetry & Poeticsan online journal, so everyone who is reading this blog post (which means you have internet access, right?) can read it.

Go here to read my poems "Gratitude Journal" and "When I Run Away to Theology School."  Go here to see the complete table of contents, where you can choose to hear me read "When I Run Away to Theology School"--and then you can read the wonderful work of everyone else too.

I am so fond of these poems, and I'm so glad they've found a good home.  And in remarkable serendipity, one of them has a theme that fits right in with Thanksgiving.

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