Monday, December 3, 2018

Decorating for the Season

Yesterday was a delightful day.  It was one of the first days where I finally made some progress switching the house decorations from autumn to Christmas.

We began the day, as we do most Sundays, at church.  Yesterday was our Advent wreath decorating opportunity and workshop; for more, see this post on my theology blog.  It's one of my favorite group creative events at our church; I love seeing how each one of us takes the wide variety of materials and creates such a unique wreath.

Our 9:45 worship group needed no direction, but the group after the 11:00 service waited for someone to show them what to do.  That someone was me--one of my church friends said I was the most artistic one at church.

I'm not used to being designated as the most creative.  That probably comes from years of working at an art school where the various disciplines did have a tendency to view each other with suspicion and as competition--and my chosen art forms (poetry, quilts, theology inspired) weren't valued by many of the artists there.

After church, we came home and decorated the front porch.  I hung up our wreath that I made earlier.

I brought some of the extra evergreens home with me, and we experimented with ways to exhibit them.  We tried a canning jar of branches in the arch of our porch, but the wind knocked it over.  In the end, we put the vases of boughs on the table and the other greens on the shelf that the arch forms.

Later in the day, my spouse added pumpkins.  I like the way the green and orange work together.  And those of you who have read my blog regularly know that I delight in mixing holidays.

This is one of my favorite Thanksgiving photos, taken on a Friday, which shows the transition from Thanksgiving to Christmas.

Here's a larger, less artsy view:

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