Saturday, February 9, 2019

Purgatory Project, Newsletter Articles and Spinathon

It's been a very long week at work, with a mix of good and bad.  On Monday, I wrote up 2 incident reports; I've been at this job since Halloween of 2016, and until Monday, I had never had to write up an incident report.  We had a student with an epileptic seizure on Monday morning, but it was a small seizure, which the teacher and class handled beautifully.  On Monday afternoon, we had an abusive boyfriend assault one of our students in the parking lot.

Yesterday was a quiet day at the office, which I greatly needed after the week of incident reports and meetings, lots of meetings.  I needed to write some articles for the school newsletter. I don't mind doing it, but it's rather involved: each small article needs at least one picture and one caption. The caption must be submitted in a Word document that's separate from the article. Everything for the article must be included in one e-mail, one e-mail per article, and each campus is supposed to submit 3-4 articles.

Luckily, I can write them fairly easily, and I submit a lot of stuff to the social media coordinator week by week, so I can recycle some of that into the newsletter articles. It was good to get them done.

Last night I arrived home exhausted, and my spouse was worn out too.  He'd had a tough day at the dentist, as we will probably spend the rest of our days trying to save his mouth from his impoverished adolescence which meant that he didn't have dental care. He was worn out and falling asleep by 6. We watched TV with him nodding off. Then he actually fell asleep at 7, and I read for another hour. I was asleep by 8, which means I woke up very early.

Readers of this blog know that I don't mind this strange sleep cycle.  I get lots of writing done.  This morning, I returned to the Purgatory Project (go here for details).  I wrote in the voice of God's registrar.  It was a delight.

Today I go to a spinathon. I won a spot on the bike by going to the most classes in January. It's a $25 value, so I'll go. I didn't go last year, and it sounds like people had a really good time. I was glad to win a spot, although I planned to participate, even if I hadn't won. There will be about 200 participants, and it's like a giant spin class, but with more bikes, more participants, and lasting several hours. It's to raise money for the wellness center.

In addition to participating, there's a goodie bag with a T-shirt, coupons and freebie offers. There will be breakfast food until it runs out, water, tea, snacks--and massages. So I'll get there at 10, in case I need to do something to register, and also to see it all. There are raffles and silent auctions and give aways. I'm expecting a festival-like atmosphere.

It's also held outside, so I'm not sure what to expect in terms of the weather. And I'm not sure when I'll be done and when I'll be home. It's going to be an unusual day, but it should be fun. It will be good exercise, if nothing else.

Tonight I was supposed to go to a cookie exchange.  A friend has been having a Christmas cookie exchange for years, but this year she had to move it to February.  It was supposed to be tonight, but she had to cancel.  Happily, she made that call before I made dozens of cookies to exchange.  I love seeing the people, but this year, making the cookies was going to be tough with my close to non-existent kitchen.  I had decided that I could pull off 2 batches of bar cookies and that would be it.

While I will miss the chance to see everyone and catch up, I'm glad that I didn't have to spend last night making cookies.  My weight is up a bit, so I'm also glad that I won't have dozens of cookies to eat after the event.

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