Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Savannah Snapshots

When I look back on this week, I imagine that my whirlwind walk around dreary, chilly Savannah and snapping pictures will be one of the highlights of this week.

What else was sold in this building?

I'm not sure why this sign intrigued me:

This set of windows in the antique store delighted me:

In fact, I see a windows theme:

The french cafe is hiring!


And then I got home and took this snapshot of the moon on the river through the hotel window.

The iconic dome that one finds on so many older buildings that were/are government sites:


This brewery beer garden played "Love Shack" at full blast--for a brief moment, I felt like I had fallen through a hole in time:


And yesterday morning--just a reminder that it's still a port city--that's a big ship, headed to the sea:

I love all the rickety walkways and arches:

Farewell, Savannah--I'll try not to wait decades before returning to you!

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