Friday, March 22, 2019

Notes on Another Week of Exhaustion

It has been another exhausting week.  I begin to worry that exhausting is becoming the new norm for me.  Let me capture a few thoughts before they slide away.

--Let me remember that I'm exhausted in part because I'm trying to get the work of next week done this week because next week I will be away at the AWP convention. I want to be able to be there without worrying too much about the work waiting to be done when I get home and because I need to meet a March 31 accreditation documents deadline before I leave.

--I dreamed last night that I was revising accreditation documents.  It wasn't an anxiety dream.  It was just a continuation of what I spent most of my hours at work doing yesterday.  I wish my brain was a bit more inspired.  Can't we go to Paris and drink champagne or hike a mountain trail or do something different during my dream time?

--I got a fortune cookie from our Speech teacher who has crafted a speaking opportunity around them.  I made this Facebook post:  Good news: my fortune cookie says, "The best times of your life have not yet been lived." I am oddly relieved.

--I then decided I needed a photo to go along with it.  I keep most of my teapots on the large window sill in my office, and I liked the Chinese teapot as a backdrop:

--I thought about how long I've had this teapot.  I bought it at Epcot back in 1984.  It has an inner diffuser cup for brewing a pot from loose tea leaves.

--Yesterday during my walk in the early morning dark, I saw a fox.  At first I thought it was a coyote, but when I got back and looked at pictures, I think it was a fox.  It had a very different tail than a cat.  That tail and the facial markings made me decide it was a fox not a coyote.  It was fearless, like a coyote.  We stared at each other for a bit, and as I walked away, it followed me from a distance.  Finally, it lost interest.

--We are having one last cool front--we usually don't have chillier weather this late in March.

--My once in a blue moon book club meets tomorrow to discuss Sue Monk Kidd's The Invention of Wings.  I had read the book once long ago when it first came out, and I remember being impressed.  I had forgotten almost all of it, and I enjoyed reading it again.

--I had forgotten about the sewing/fabric/quilting aspect of that book.  It made me long for my fiber arts.  I did spend some time finishing garlands that will be strung on indoor trees at the Create in Me retreat.

This project wasn't quite as satisfying as a patchwork project would be:

 Time to finish up this work week! 

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