Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Early Morning Writing

This morning, I am thinking about the writing that gets done in the morning.  I have been up for hours writing in my offline journal.  I now do most of that writing on the computer, but in a Word document.  I wrote over 2000 words this morning--very satisfying.

I had planned to do some of that writing last night, but I got home from work and decided to take a walk instead.  We had been expecting visitors to campus yesterday afternoon--their plans changed, but I spent all afternoon being ready for their imminent arrival.  I did small tasks here and there, but I didn't want to get involved in anything intense, because I wanted to be fresh for the visitors.

I got home with that tired eye and headache feeling that comes from too many hours sitting in a chair and staring at a screen.  I went for my walk, and while I waited for my spouse to come home, I read Madeline Miller's book, Circe--what an amazing book! 

Yesterday morning, I wrote a poem instead of doing my Internet rambling, as I usually do first thing in the morning.  I continue to write Noah-after-the-Flood poems.  I now have 5 of them, and I'm wondering how they might interact with other poems, especially my after-the-hurricane poems.  I'm thinking about other stories and wondering how I might do something similar poetically with those stories.

Even though I shouldn't be, I am surprised by how much more writing I get done if I do it before I do my Internet rambling.

I have also been thinking about other journaling I've done, specifically the kind of journaling I did in November when I was participating in the online class that turned out to inspire more sketching than I anticipated.  I've been thinking about returning to this kind of journaling but with a discerning the future kind of focus.  I've got a few extra sketchbooks, and I think I'll dedicate one to be a discernment journal.  I could also write by hand in that journal.  Hmm.  I had thought I might start that journal, too, last night, but I didn't anticipate my complete frazzlement.

Maybe tonight while my spouse is at choir rehearsal, I'll start that journal.  Or maybe it's not realistic to think I can do this kind of writing at night.  Part of my brain says, "But I could do it back in November!"  Those days are not these days, alas.

But first, spin class.

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