Sunday, June 2, 2019

Spells to Cast and Incantations of Joy

In addition to the long post I wrote yesterday about the bus stop coming to my campus, this week had other spots of joy.  Let me make a list:

--We had a Memorial Day week-end that wasn't as hectic as we had thought it might be.  While I was sad not to see a college friend in town for a conference, I was happy to have extra time for projects.

--I was able to get a chapbook pulled together for a contest with a May 31 deadline.   During a time when we had no access to our e-mail, I read the manuscript out loud, but softly.  I was pleased with the poems.  It's good to remember that I write poems that bring me joy.

--I have a stack of cookbooks that need to find a new home.  This week, I was able to give one of them to a colleague who had once worked at a school that had a strong culinary division.  She loved How to Eat Supper.  It's a beautiful book, but I don't really need the recipes that it gives.  I was glad to see it go to a new home.  My colleague was THRILLED--as if I gave her a winning lottery ticket.  Her reaction made me glad too.

--On Friday nights, my spouse is teaching a class in the Summer 2 session.  On this past Friday, one of my good friends came over for a simple supper of salmon and veggies--yum.

--All week-end, I've been following the elections for the Bishop of the Southeastern Synod of the ELCA.  I know two of the candidates--amazing.  For more on the election, see this post that I wrote for my theology blog.

--I've been reading great books.  Circe by Madeline Miller is astonishing.  It made me want to grow herbs and cast spells.

--I have 3 herb plants in the kitchen windowsill that are thriving.  The sight of them brings me joy.

And now it's off to church to cast spells of a different sort and thanks of joy.

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