Friday, August 30, 2019

Hurricane Insomnia

Last night, I created this Facebook post:

As dusk deepens, I watch the towering clouds. I know that they're not really related to Hurricane Dorian. We have a sudden invasion of tiny ants (down here we call them sugar ants)--not really related to Hurricane Dorian. Once a poet wrote these words about a different hurricane:

I think of ancient ancestors
who could forecast the week’s weather
based on the wanderings
of each cloud. But I consult
the oracles through my computer

I have no answers to the most pressing questions--where will Dorian make landfall?

Or are there more pressing questions? Maybe not tonight on Florida's eastern coast.

And then, about 5 hours later, I couldn't fall back asleep.  I made this Facebook post:

I was having a restless night. Then I got up and checked the 11 p.m. National Hurricane Center advisory. Now I may be having a sleepless night. If you need me, I'll be over on the NPR website, exploring the musical world of Rhiannon Giddens. I ordered her CD on Wed. I hope it gets here before Hurricane Dorian.


But it hasn't been a totally bad thing.  I've heard some fascinating NPR shows and gotten a lot of work for my online classes done.  

Today I will go to work to do some work on the spreadsheets for the upcoming budget year, as if there's no storm coming.  Then we will prepare for a worst case storm possibility.  I will spend part of this afternoon putting plastic bags on computers at school. Part of me thinks this is ludicrous. If we have a storm that blows out the windows, plastic bags on computers won't do much good. But I will be do my part. I will also move the butterfly garden plants inside and hope they don't dry out completely before we return.

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