Saturday, August 3, 2019

In Which the Poet Considers Her 3D Art

After going to bed relatively early, I got up at 4 a.m.--not unusual for me.  But I haven't done as much writing as I sometimes do when waking up early.  I haven't been baking, like I thought about doing.  I have this delicious pumpkin butter--it would go so well with some oatmeal bread.  I haven't been doing reading or sketching or sorting or any of the other early morning activities that I could have been doing.

But it hasn't been a waste of a morning.  I've gone back to my novel periodically, and I've written my way out of a rough patch.  Hurrah.

I also saw this call for an art show at Art Serve; the show's theme sounds perfect for me:  "ArtServe seeks multimedia works that explore metaphors of home, habitat, community, and the related idea of belonging, whether cultural, social or creative."

Unlike with some art shows, where I don't have the slightest idea how I'd get started or I don't have the technical skills, I have a flood of ideas, especially in terms of photos or drawings made with markers.  I thought about a collage--and then I thought of 3D possibilities.

When I'm at church tomorrow, I'll see if the piece of art I made awhile ago is still in the storage closet. We made them during an arts session for Ash Wednesday in 2018.

Actually, that picture is earlier in the process.  Later, I added some map fragments from places I've lived (which ties into the theme--the box itself is a drawer from a dresser that was damaged in Hurricane Irma):

If it's still there, I'd add some fiber art elements, and see what happens when I submit it for this art show.  It seems to fit with the idea of the show better than my 2D work would do:  "‘HOME’ exposes layers of multimedia works, assemblages and vignettes, made through the collaboration of diverse, multi-faceted artists and creatives. Through these layers, the viewer can experience a cross-selection of our identity as a community, and be the spectator to a spirited fusion of theater, dance poetry, fashion and art exhibition."

I don't think it's a juried art show, so I think my work has a good chance of being accepted.

All the work has to be for sale--wouldn't that be an interesting twist?

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