Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Sheltering at Camp

When I need to feel optimistic about the future of humanity, let me remember how many people posted offers on Facebook to shelter people fleeing from Hurricane Dorian--and the offer was often open to friends of friends.

Some of those offers were made in a post, while others were made in comment threads. Most of the offers were a guest room or space on the couch or floor. One person offered a mountain cottage that wasn't being rented out right now--so it was clean, but not rental ready. I might call that spartan or monastic.

Monday, I noticed this Facebook post from my favorite church camp:

Lutheridge Camp & Conference Center, in Arden, NC, is now open for those who are required or choosing to evacuate in the path of Hurricane Dorian. Housing is free of charge. Availability is limited, on a first come first served basis. Housing is available through Friday, September 13th. Guests are asked to please bring bedding and sheets as circumstances allow. Pets are permitted for those staying in cabin housing. Reservations must be made in advance of your arrival by calling Lutheridge Registration at 828.209.6328.

“It will serve as a pavilion, a shade by day from heat, and a refuge and a shelter from the storm and rain.” – Isaiah 4:6

Lutheridge has made this offer in past storms. I did a quick search this morning of some other camps in the area, and if they're open to storm refugees, they're not publicizing it in the same way.

What a gift, this sharing of resources. It's one reason why I continue to support camps. I'm not sure that sleep-away camp is a model that will be as important in decades to come. But there are many ways towards spiritual formation.

Being a shelter in the storm is one of them.

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