Sunday, September 1, 2019

Tropical Storm Watch

We are now under a tropical storm watch.  Yesterday, for a 12 hour span, we were out of the cone.  I started to think we might not feel much.  I even took some time to read by the pool.  It was a beautiful day, as those days before a big storm are, with lower humidity and beautiful, blue skies.

This morning I walked to the beach.  The ocean is surprisingly calm considering that there's a category 5 hurricane 225 miles to our east.  The sunrise was bland, going from gray skies to beige skies.

We will see what the 11 a.m. advisory tells us, but we're likely to bring some of the more lightweight stuff in.

But first, I will go to church.  It's less about praying, and more about the treasurer's duties that we need to fulfill.  There will be money to count and bills to pay.

It's too close for comfort.  So yes, in addition to the treasurer duties, I will pray.  I will use the words of Holden evening prayer, praying for weather that nourishes all of creation.

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