Monday, October 28, 2019

A Week-end of Treats

--I confess that we have eaten not just one, but two bags of Halloween candy.  By we, I mean primarily my spouse.

--We live on a street where we get 9-20 trick-or-treaters.  I'm not sure why my spouse felt the need to load up on candy.  One bag wasn't even the kind of candy he particularly likes (think Butterfingers, Baby Ruths, and such).

--I made sure to have some treats of my own this week-end.  On Friday night, I made the dough and assembled the pumpkin cinnamon rolls.  I baked a pan on Saturday morning and another pan on Sunday.  Delicious!

I tried taking a picture from above--trying to capture a bouquet of autumn flowers too, which was another kind of treat.

--I also worked on a small scale art project for church.  I volunteered to shift the worship space decorations from green to red.     I needed an element to fill in a hole:

I knew that we would be having an interfaith service--so what would be ecumenical and still speak to Reformation?  I thought about a flame or a labyrinth or spiral.  My spouse suggested a butterfly.  In the end, I went with what I knew I could pull off:

Here's a close up:

I though it worked nicely in the space:

--There was something so satisfying about swirling the paint on the cardboard, blending the colors, and it turned out exactly how I envisioned it, which doesn't always happen.

--I was thinking about past Halloweens and past autumns and at one point, I said to myself, "How did I have time to do all of that?"  And then I thought, because I was only working one job.  I thought about tying in this idea to the idea of tricks--that we tell ourselves we can handle some part-time gigs so that we can afford more treats.  And then, at some point, it morphs into being necessary just to cover the bills.  Sigh.

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