Monday, October 21, 2019

Accreditation Day Arrives

It is finally here--the first day of our accreditation visit has arrived.

The files have been checked, re-checked, and checked again--likewise, the binders.  The room is set up with extra electric cords and plugs.  We have food and beverages of all sorts.  If I walked into the room, I'd find it welcoming, which is my goal.

On Friday, I carried a basket of coffee pods and a basket of a variety of teas.  One of the students asked about it, and I told her that I was getting the room ready for the auditors who would be here and that I wanted them to feel welcome.  She said, "You do that really well."  And then she went on to tell me about how she really loved the campus and felt a bit sad that she was in her last quarter. 


But back to today.  Let me take a moment to visualize success.  We are ready.  We do good work, and we can talk about that work in a coherent way.  We have documentation to back up our words.

Let it begin.

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