Friday, October 11, 2019

Running, Running, Running

Today, I am exhausted, and yet, I cannot sleep.  I've been up since 2 a.m., fretting about our upcoming accreditation visit, thinking about things that have been said in these days running up to the visit.  I'm fairly sure we're ready, yet what might still be lurking?

Our sister school to the north just had their visit with no findings, so that's a good sign.

A member of the Corporate team came yesterday and decided we needed to have the accreditation team in a different room.  So yesterday was a day of moving furniture and moving plans that had been in place for months.  My brain has trouble catching up in these situations.

Yesterday was also a day of many meetings, one of which included lunch.  Lunch was delivered, but not set up.  So it was a day of running up and down the stairs when I got tired of waiting for elevators.  It was a day when I achieved my goal of 10,000 steps before 1 p.m., which almost never happens.

And of course, there's the clean up afterward.  Happily, my campus has many people who are eager to help.  But yesterday, I found myself cleaning up long after others had gone back to work.  And then there were people with paperwork talking to me like I had been at my computer all day and could shed light on whatever problem might be in the paperwork. 

I had not.

Today I need to restore some order to my office.  At some point during yesterday's clean up, people started leaving supplies in my office for me to put back into place later.  Late yesterday afternoon, I decided that later could wait.

In these wee small hours of the morning, I've gotten some grading done, and I made an attempt to write a poem.  So it hasn't been a total waste of time.  Still, today may not be my day of sharpest mental acuity.

I wish that today could be a day of autumnal weather and autumnal outings.  I'd love to go to an apple orchard.  But that day will not be today.

Maybe it can be a day of early bedtimes.

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