Saturday, November 16, 2019

Saturday Spaciousness

I usually write blog posts much earlier.  You might be thinking that I managed to sleep in, but you would be wrong.  I fell asleep fairly early Friday night, toddler bedtime early, like 7:30.  So when I woke up at 2:30 and stayed awake, it wasn't as horrible as it would have been if I had gone to sleep at a normal adult bedtime.

I've had a lovely morning.  I wrote what may or may not become a poem.  I decided that I really wanted cinnamon rolls, when I realized that the cold front had finally come through--so I made them!  I did some online shopping--my spouse and I are both in need of tennis shoes.  I did some online research to know what I'll buy when I go to Target later and to help my spouse find the shelving hardware that he'll need when he creates the floating shelves for the front bedroom.  My spouse and I got started on the lamb stew that we'll have later.  I did some other chores, like laundry.

I realize it may not sound like a lovely morning, but it was--and along the way, I read some great blog posts, did some thinking about other writing projects, updated the list of books I've read in 2019, looked at photos from past Thanksgivings, looked at my friends' Facebook posts, wrote a blog post for my theology blog--the stuff that keeps me rooted.

And I got some grading done.  Because I was completely offline last week-end, I am not as caught up with my grading as I need to be.  This week-end, I need to power through it.

I also have an eye to the next 6 weeks.  It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is almost here.  I won't have many free Saturdays in the next 6 weeks, so it was even more lovely to have time to do such a variety of tasks.

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