Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Week's Feedback

When I think about the feedback that I've gotten this week, let me remember the student who said how much she enjoyed the pumpkin decorating last week, how thrilled she was to be at a school that offers events that celebrate the seasons.

Let me remember the colleague who came to my office because she loves the homey feel.  I thought she was grading papers, but she was reading feedback on her dissertation, which was difficult for her.  I took it as a supreme compliment that she felt less stress in my office than in other places.  Some have criticized my office for being too messy ("like something exploded"), but I like knowing that not everyone feels that way.

Let me also remember driving home during the waning light.  As I drove past the tidal North Lake, a pelican swooped and dove, over and over again.  It was beautiful.  I had no camera to record it, and even if I had, I probably couldn't capture it, because the predominant shades were gray, dark gray, blue, and black.  But now I've recorded it with words.

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