Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Two Poem Morning

I am happy to report that I don't have much time to blog because I wrote not one, but two (TWO!) poems this morning.  I tossed and turned and finally got up.  I thought I might get some grading done or work on my apocalyptic novel.  Instead, I decided to play with a poem idea I had:  a woman embroidering names into the hems and necklines of her clothes.

The poems went in completely different directions, as poems do.  Although I had been carrying the image of a woman embroidering in my head for days, that image didn't make it into either poem.  And I wrote even though I only had a whisp of an idea.  Usually I'll let ideas percolate--the risk, of course, is that I'll lose them.

In future years, when I look at my poetry legal pads of purple pages and wonder why I didn't write more poems, let me remember that I've also been writing haiku like creations to go with my sketches.  Here's one that I did yesterday:

The haiku seems a bit bleak--or perhaps it's a collection of images that will later find their way to a larger poem.  The sketching made me happy.  I almost wished that I had saved space for the haiku before drawing.  I had trouble figuring out where/how to fit it in.

And now, let me get on with the rest of my morning.  It's always a good day when I've already written one poem--even better having written two!

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