Friday, February 7, 2020

What I'm Sketching

Yesterday I took some time to sketch.  The night before, I'd been reading the first book for my spiritual direction program, and I had been thinking about the idea of talking to God.  When I've thought of spiritual direction, I've thought about listening for God, but less about talking to God the way I might talk to a friend.

The book has also made me think about how I talk to friends/family/spouse:  what do I share and what do I keep deep inside?  And do I keep things so deeply inside that even I don't know that they are there?

As I was thinking about the reading and about what I wanted to sketch, I created a haiku.  And then the idea of a fountain came to me.  And so, I started to sketch:

I'm pleased with this image.  I like the energy of the water.  In fact, it reminds me of a sketch that I did on Saturday:

Lots of energy in that sketch.  I like the colors, the swirls, but most of all, I like the energy.

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