Saturday, March 7, 2020

AWP: a Brief Summary of Friday

Yesterday was one of the best AWP days--the two panels I wanted to see were not canceled and all/most of the presenters were there to talk.  Today, every panel I wanted to attend has been canceled.  But let me hit some of the highlights of yesterday:

--I went to 2 panels, which I may write about in more depth later.  I went to a panel on disabilities and a panel on how poets should evaluate fame and effectiveness.   I went to each one in part because I knew at least one of the presenters, and I wanted to be supportive.  But what a bonus to have a panel that gave wonderful information and inspiration.

--I had great food.  We've been trying to get to Boudra's for guacamole made tableside since we got here.  Yesterday, after an unsatisfying sandwich, we walked down the River Walk and got in at Boudra's.  The guacamole was AMAZING.  The grilled veggies and corn pudding--also AMAZING.

--I went to the Alamo.  It was the anniversary of the final day of the siege of 1836, the day that the Mexican army slaughtered the Texas rebels.  I made this Facebook post:    "I did go over to the Alamo today--it's the anniversary of the day the Alamo fell to Mexican forces. There were wreaths and historical re-enactors and a street preacher and a man yelling about the British war against Nigeria, along with lots of freshly graduated Air Force cadets and every school child from the state of Texas. I felt more moved than I expected to feel. I hid behind my camera, taking pictures, so no one could see the tears around my eyes. In a time of grievous losses, it's good to remember that one defeat doesn't mean there won't be victories later."

--Later in the day, on our way to a small, off the beaten track Asian restaurant, we walked by the Alamo again, in time for the end of the day ceremonies.  We didn't stop, but I was glad to see how many people turned out for these ceremonies.

--I am intrigued by the street preacher who declared that Jesus didn't come for most of us.  What Sunday school did he attend?

--I was tempted to engage him in conversation, but I know how well that is likely to end.  I made this Facebook post:

"Although I was sorely tempted, I did not engage the street preacher a block away from the Alamo. He was preaching hellfire and Jesus sending us all to eternal damnation. I wanted to yell, 'But what about the concept of grace?' I wanted to preach an opposing message of God loving us so much that God comes to be with us, even though we have to go through all sorts of trials and tribulations, like 7th grade and the heartache of not being able to rescue our loved ones from the things that torment them.

I did not preach on the street corner of San Antonio. I came back to preach on Facebook."

--As always, I am relying on the kindness of people with smartphones to provide selfies.  Here's one of my favorites:  Kelli Russell Agodon and me:

Thanks to Kelli for taking it and for sending it to me.

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