Friday, April 24, 2020

Sketching Hope

My morning schedule got out of whack, but in good ways:

--I slept a bit later--until just before 5 a.m., which is unusual, especially these days.

--I did more with sketching this morning.

--We had some rain which disrupted my plans to walk.

--My spouse and I had coffee on the porch and watched the rain.

--And then, the rain cleared, and we took a short walk.

I will leave you with the sketch I did.  In case the quote isn't readable, here it is in a more accessible format:

"Hope is not something subjective due to an optimistic or sanguine temperament, . . .  .  It is a light force which radiates objectively and which directs creative evolution toward the world's future.  . . .
hope is what moves and directs spiritual evolution in the world."  Valentin Tomberg

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