Thursday, May 28, 2020

Spring Creativity Report: Altarscapes, Haiku, Sketching

Yesterday, I felt draggy and irritable for much of the day.  Observant readers of this blog may have noticed that I didn't post yesterday (but I did write in my offline journal).  I wrote a partial post, but never got back to finish it.

Yesterday was a long day at work.  I needed to stay late to make sure the evening lab students had their temperatures checked.  I arrived home to my spouse watching the evening service that my church livestreams each Wednesday.

The camera stays focused on one image during the livestream. Usually it's the altar, which we've just changed for Pentecost. We're using glass blocks that we created 2 years ago as part of an interactive arts worship--glass blocks that I learned to make during a Create in Me retreat years earlier. 

I liked the earlier altar too, the Easter altar as I came to think of it:

When I put together the Pentecost altar on Sunday morning, I was a bit disappointed.  The glass blocks looked pale against the white of the altar and the white and gold of the fabric and under the fluorescent lights.  But it looks really beautiful as the setting for evening service, in the dimmed light of the chancel. 

When I look back through my poetry notebook in later years, I might assume I hadn't been creative this spring.  In terms of poetry writing, I haven't done as much in my traditional way, on the legal pad.  But I've been writing different types of poetry, including my Pentecost Poetry video project; I'll do a larger reveal on Sunday.  I've also done a bit of composing of haiku-like things:

And of course, I've done other creating:  cooking, altarscapes, sketching, and even some singing.  In later years, let me remember.

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