Sunday, June 21, 2020

Uninspired Scraps Which Do Not Make a Quilt

I am feeling spectacularly uninspired today--or perhaps it's just tiredness, plain and simple.  It's a more profound tiredness, as pandemic protocols settle into the fabric of our daily lives.  So let me just record a few things and see if I'm as uninspired as I think.

--Yesterday I went into the office for a few hours so that some sonography students could get some practice scanning before one of them goes to a job interview tomorrow.  They thanked me profusely, which is one of my favorite work moments for the week, maybe the month.

--While I was there, I got a lot of grading done. 

--I have final grades due today, and the portal has been down since Friday night.  Why must we do IT improvement type things before grades are turned in?

--We've had a multi-day stretch where each day Florida breaks the record set the former day for new cases of COVID-19.  It's hard to see a scenario where this all ends well--or ends soon, for that matter.  This is not the dystopia I had in mind.

--I made this Facebook post earlier this week:  "As I take temperatures of everyone who arrives on our small, college campus, I think of grad school arguments about teaching, the gatekeeper approach vs. the midwife approach. I am now a gatekeeper of a very different sort, keeping out plague instead of avoiding poor pedagogy."

--I wish a mask wasn't so hot and humid feeling.  In some ways, I like wearing a mask; I'm less worried about my teeth and my breath.  The mask covers up my few wrinkles.  I've always thought that my eyes were the best feature of my face, and a mask could accentuate that.

--Could we make a mask with a cooling ring somehow?

--It is amazing to me that we are almost to July.  We start a new quarter a week from tomorrow.  It's no wonder I'm tired.

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