Monday, July 20, 2020

Video Sermon/Meditation Outtakes

When I'm working on a video sermon/meditation project (all 2 times I've done it), I always shoot more footage than I can use.  I don't want to overwhelm viewers/worshippers with a 30 minute sermon.  So here are some pieces of unused footage from my video sermon/meditation on Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43.

I didn't use this one because it just seemed too obvious:

And this one seemed to belong to a different project:

I shot this one of friendly dogs meeting each other, but I didn't want to do narration while there were people around and commotion:

I thought I might close with this one, but then I got something I liked better:

I tend to keep every piece of everything I've ever filmed.  When I was first learning to use digital cameras, I keep every scrap because even blurry images worked well in various book trailer projects.  Now I have so much stuff that I no longer remember what I have or which folder it's in.  But if I really needed it, I could find it.

Here's the finished project, for those of you who want to see what I used.  I look at it and see the observations I could have made, the different ways I could have phrased what I was trying to say.  But as with many writing projects, the deadline comes, and what I have has to be good enough, at least for this project.

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