Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Swamp Guides and Shepherds

 Once again, not much time to write.  Sure, I've been up for hours--but I've been getting my course shells ready for when the classes open on Friday just after midnight.  And I won't have any time to write later--we've got a big meeting about accreditation at 1:00 today, so we'll spend the morning making sure we're ready.

My life leaves me tired today.

But let me remember some high points of the week so far.  I have had some good sketching time in the morning:

Earlier this week, the readings in Phyllis Tickle's The Divine Hours revolved around shepherd imagery.  Her wording of Psalm 92:2 talked about God's "faithfulness in the night season."

Later I was thinking about the imagery of shepherds and how that symbolism may not be most relevant to modern listeners.   I have been feeling mired, less like a sheep wandering astray than someone stuck in a swamp of despair.  I thought about transposing the language of shepherds into something else.

Maybe the Divine is like a pair of good boots that can help us out of the muck.  Or maybe it's the daily practice that's the swamp boot.  Maybe the Divine is more like the swamp guide who says, "I have a kayaak.  I brought water and snacks.  Climb on in.  We can go faster together.  Here's a paddle--let's go."

Today is going to be one of those stuck in the swamp days.  Let me hope my boots are up to the challenge.  Let me be on the lookout for the swamp guide.

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