Friday, September 25, 2020

Compounding Goodness

We are about 40 days away from the election.  I'd been thinking about the number of weeks rather than the number of days, so I was surprised to see this post from Diana Butler Bass that told me that we're 40 days out.

Because she's writing from a religious perspective, she suggests that we treat these 40 days the way we would treat the season of Lent, with specific practices that root us in a mindful discipline.  I understand that her religious approach may be offputting to some, yet she offers important reminders to us all.

It's good to remember that we're not powerless.  We're not living under a dictatorship, although it may feel like it at times.  It's important to take these actions, because, as Bass reminds us, "Heartfelt, even wordless, prayers speak magic into the universe. Small actions add up, daily acts compound goodness."

She suggests we do one action a day, and she offers a variety of actions:  "lighting a candle, attending a protest, volunteering at the polls.  We could donate money or time.  We could write postcards to voters or postcards to others who need encouragement.  We could write letters to legislators."

She also suggests we pray once a day.  I would add that we should be thinking about the world we want to create.  Most of us know what kind of world we don't want to see.  But we're not always very good at thinking about what we do want.  

It's hard to create what we do want if we haven't spent time pondering it, creating images, giving our subconscious brains something that we want to attract.

Let's light our collective candles and do that now--and then let's take actions to make it so.

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