Monday, September 7, 2020

Labor Day 2020

On this Labor Day, I have past Labor Days in mind.  There's last year, when we kept a wary eye on the fearsome Hurricane Dorian.  Two years ago, there was a tropical disturbance off our shore that turned into a tropical storm at the last minute, but we just had some wind and rain.  Three years ago I was keeping an eye on Irma, which would do so much damage to our property--are we fully recovered?

But there are more pleasant Labor Day memories too.  There are get togethers with friends and times spent on creative endeavors.  Labor Day is often a day when we cook; this week-end, we did a lot of cooking yesterday when my brother-in-law and his wife came over.  We did whole chickens grilled over a half-full can of soda, something we haven't done in a long time--delicious, and I'm not one who usually pronounces chicken to be delicious.  We had olive oil slathered potatoes roasted in the oven 3 ways (with rosemary, with rosemary, lemons, and carrots, and roasted with just salt and pepper).  And then, steamed broccoli, which has its own simple appeal.

Today I have an ambitious goal:  to get all of my books on our newly created floating shelves.  Yes, the Great Shelving Project is finally done.  Last year, when we were moving bookcases back to the house in the hopes of trying to get the cottage ready for my spouse's sister, my spouse developed this vision of floating shelves which would allow us to take advantage of the height of the ceilings.  And now, finally, they are ready.

The books have been packed away since the Great Flooring Project of 2 years ago.  It seems like in our younger years, we could do these home repair projects more quickly.  Of course, we didn't have to work as many hours to afford it all then.

On a past Labor Day long ago, we might have put away our white clothes and our sandals.  I stopped wearing white years ago, and I wear sandals year round in South Florida.  Still, I have some Labor Day traditions:  enjoying some summer activities which will be gone all too soon.

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