Thursday, September 3, 2020

Mrs. Rogers' Neighborhood

Last week, my pastor sent me this message:


Here's what the message says, "I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy Kristins devotional so in the mornings! Thank you for that. She is really good at what she does"

I was so moved that I cut and pasted the message into this blog post, where I found it this morning when I was feeling uninspired.

I have been doing the morning watch devotional time at 5:30 a.m. each morning since the end of March, and I've never gotten tired of it.  I read the passages from the Morning Office part of Phyllis Tickle's The Divine Hours, we're quiet for 5-7 minutes (I sketch, but obviously, people can do what meditative practice speaks to them), then I say the closing prayer and say a few sentences about the day ahead.

Some days it feels profound, and other days, I wonder if I'm just blathering.  But usually, there's a comment or two from someone who was moved.

One of my favorite compliments from the past month:  one of my church friends said that I was like her very own Mr. Rogers, and now she calls me Mrs. Rogers.

There are many people I find inspirational and aspirational, and Mr. Rogers is often at the top of that list.  I would ordinarily close by saying I need to ponder what these experiences are telling me.

But I know what they're telling me; I just don't know where to go from here.

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