Thursday, October 1, 2020

October, with Pumpkins and the Scent of Apocalypse

The first day of October dawns drizzly down here on the far southern coast of North America.  A few hours ago, I made this Facebook post:  "The full moon shines in the west; it's shrouded by haze and framed by dark tree branches. Meanwhile, lightning flashes and thunder rumbles. Welcome, October!"

I thought it would be a rainy day--in fact, there was a burst of rain, so I decided to bake some pumpkin bread.  Of course, when I got started with the spices and the mixing, the rain stopped. I tried to go for a quick walk, but had to come right back.  At least I've got a tasty way to get my vitamin A today.

I was up very early to get some grading done.  As I graded, I listened to coverage of Tuesday night's presidential debate.  I do wonder if my students got better grades because of that background noise.  The worst of my student essays is FAR better than any argument that I heard come out of that debate--although to be fair, it became clear that one man couldn't get a word in edgewise, and one man was more interested in bombastic bullying than a well reasoned argument.

Far better to turn to music.  This morning, I was thinking about U2's "October," and I came across this video, which has very early footage of the band.  Enjoy!

I remember a different October, in 1983, when I bought a copy of U2's War and then in short order, their earlier albums.  It was a season of bomb blasts and dead Soviet leaders, a different political season, but a similar apocalyptic vibe.

Or maybe October always comes with an apocalyptic vibe, as hinge months tend to do--that time between the lushness of summer and the coming dead of winter.

If you like your U2 with more of that apocalyptic vibe, here's a great video from a Paris concert that mixes "October" and "Bullet the Blue Sky."  Wow.

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