Monday, October 26, 2020

Our Situation in Late October in Snippets

It's been a week of voting, a week of dreary weather, a week of Amazon orders and Amazon deliveries, a week of cooking, a week of getting back to work and getting new classes underway.  Let me take a late October look back:

--I have been to both a Super WalMart and a WalMart Neighborhood Market in 8 days. Yes, 19 year old Kristin, I understand all the reasons why I shouldn't support the WalMart enterprises.  But the prices are so cheap.  Yesterday I bought a good size firepit for $25.  It came complete with a fire screen cover and a weatherproof cover for the whole thing.  I remember how much a similar one cost online--over $100.  I snatched up one of the last 4 left on clearance.

--I have survived another week-end of Dry October.  Back in September when I decided to do dry October from Oct. 5 to 29, I expected that week-ends would be toughest.  I am happily surprised to find that hasn't been the case.  We haven't had wine in the house during my experiment--I will be the first to admit that not having the temptation makes it much easier.  We also haven't been having meals that I usually associate with wine.  The exception was on Saturday when we made homemade pizza.  If we'd had wine in the house, I'd have broken my abstinence.  But we didn't, and I didn't feel like going to the store to get any--plus, my pizza would have gotten cold.

--We spent the week-end hanging pictures.  We took them all down after the great flooring project of 2018, and we haven't rehung most of them.  Now we have.  This fact makes me happier than I expected that it would.

--Yesterday I read my discernment journal which has its last entry as I'm at the first online intensive back in January of 2020.  I thought about the events of 2020, about how they would stretch incredulity if we read them in a novel.  And yet, here we are.

--A week ago today, I'd have already been on the road back to South Florida.  My re-entry back to my administrator job was fairly easy, and the whole of last week turned out to be fairly easy and quiet, a fact which always makes me feel uneasy.  Is there big stuff going on that I don't know about?  I remember that often, there's not.  There are just quiet weeks--not every week has to be a crisis.  In fact, every week shouldn't be a crisis, if it's all being managed well.

--I've been jogging a bit more.  I can cover three miles, and I can do that several times a week.  It's slow, but it's a faster pace than my walk.  I realized I can hardly ever walk fast enough to get my heart rate up into a good fitness level.  I don't have that trouble when I jog, even when I go slowly. 

--On Saturday I went for a walk in daylight hours, and I was surprised by how few houses are decorated for Halloween or for autumn.  No wonder the boy on his pumpkin walk was so delighted by our house. 

--We have had flooded streets twice in one week.  

--When we bought a new TV, I signed up for a free trial of Amazon Prime to get the special price.  Now we can stream things like other residents of the 21st century.  Of course, it's hard for me to find something I actually want to watch.  We watched the first 2 Hunger Games movies.  Wow.

--As I watched these apocalyptic movies, I thought about how being an Apocalypse Gal might uniquely qualify me for being president of the U.S.  I probably wouldn't do a worse job than the guy who's in there now.  It's the first time I've ever been serious when I said this--at least I'd listen to the experts.  I'd have experts, instead of having fired them earlier.

--We're a week and a day away from the official election day, even though many of us have already voted.  What will this week bring?  I shudder to guess.

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