Monday, November 16, 2020

The Joys of Last Week

In  Saturday's post, I talked about the week's gloominess and my weariness.  But I also want to remember that the past week had some good points too.

I was able to create a video sermon, the kind I've been creating since Pentecost.  I love creating short videos that I string together.  I love the ways that I'm inspired as I take my early morning walk.  This week's sermon had some videos where it was hard to hear my voice because it was so windy.  I'm pleased with how I worked around that. 

The video is too long to insert here, but you can view my sermon on Elizabeth at my YouTube channel.

This morning, I also want to remember that I've gotten positive feedback for the morning watch sessions I've been leading each morning at 5:30 a.m. through my church's Facebook page. I have trouble figuring out how to interpret the statistics that Facebook gives me as the administrator of my church's Facebook page. What exactly is an engagement? When it says that x amount of people have been reached, what does that mean? I'm guessing that an engagement means a certain amount of time that people have lingered--or does it mean that people have clicked to make the video play?

I always go back to check the comments that people post to morning watch. From the comments and from the people who I can see watching as I do the live broadcast, I know that at least 4 people tune in regularly.

At the end of Friday's morning watch, I talked about thinking about what we want more of and what we want less of--I talked about the delights of my sketch book and the value of doing a sketch every morning for five minutes, often the only time I'm sketching. I talked about what delights us also delighting God, that God put us on earth not to finish our chore list. Does it bring us delight? That's a good barometer--what brings us true joy? I talked about treasuring the time to do morning watch and the time to sketch each day.

One of my constant viewers said, "I also treasure Morning Watch." Another one wrote, "For me as rewarding as Church."

I wanted to record this feedback here, because finding past material on Facebook isn't always easy. I want to remember that what I'm doing is worthwhile.



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