Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Early Necropsy Procedures

Today I am leaving my house early.  I volunteered to get to the campus early to open and unlock so that Vet Tech students can do their necropsy procedures.  That's a sentence I never anticipated writing in my professional life.  When coordinating with the veterinarian who is coming in to oversee these procedures, he said he had the cadavers defrosting in the fridge, so 7:45 would give him plenty of time to get set up and ready.  Once again, I am struck by the divergent path I have taken from the one that grad school Kristin envisioned.

I got up early this morning and started a load of laundry.  I finished the roasted tomato white bean soup, tasks that I meant to finish on Sunday before I crashed into a deep, 4 hour nap.  I should have just slept through the night, but I felt like I needed to make sure my online classes had what they need.  

I can't decide if I have a wrecked sleep schedule or one that's efficient, just not by the world's standards.

Now it is time to make my way through the damp dark--I will get a run in this morning, by which I mean a slow jog, but it will get my heart rate up and help stave off the inevitable.  I'll enjoy the Christmas lights the people leave lit all night (thanks, neighbors!), and I'll wonder about the political signs from the fall.  I'll tip my metaphorical hat to the very ritzy house that has 2 Black Lives Matter banners hanging from the upper balconies.

And then off to my whirlwind of a day--opening the campus early, 3 meetings back to back in the middle of the day, strategizing, and then home to collapse again.

But along the way, there will be random happinesses.  Like last night, when I arrived home to find my spouse making meat loaf, which is not one of my favorite approaches to ground beef--but it was very tasty.

Out into the chilly pre-dawn!

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